The Definitive Website Checklist

The Definitive Website Checklist

Hosting a new website is never easy. Before you start, you might need to go through a long list of things. There might be things that are easily overlooked as well. To make things easy, you should run a checklist to mark down every item needed. One of the common mistakes that people make when building their first website is trying to do too much. In this article, we would like to make things simpler for you.

Before you start building a website, ask yourself these two questions:

  1. Will you spend a lot of effort and money to build a highly customized website with advanced features, and only to find out later that it didn’t help you to target the right audience?
  2. Will you end up re-designing your website because the highly customized design didn’t work, and to pray again that the re-design website will give you better results?

As a start, always go with a basic website that only requires low investment of time and money. Do a trial run to determine whether the website will work out for you or not. Once you get or achieve the desired result, you can then plan to invest more on the website.

What You Need to Start a Website

1. Domain Name

Treat website as your digital home and your domain name as the digital address. A domain name is the address for people to connect to your website.


2. Business Email Address

Once you have a domain name, you can also setup a business address that ties to the domain name.


3. Website Building Software

Instead of using complex programming knowhow to build your website, you may just go for website building software or applications. Some of the popular web builders that you can find are WordPress, Wix and Weebly. Alternatively, you can just hire professionals like Inspiren – web design company in Malaysia to build your website.

4. Hosting

If the website is your digital home then your home also needs a land to build on. A host serves as a land, or storage unit where your website and its content live online.

Types of Hosting:

Shared Hosting: You are sharing a server with other websites.

VPS Hosting: You are still sharing a server with other websites, but you get a higher capacity to handle more visitors. Treat this option as parcel units in condominium, clients will get their own virtual server within the host server.

Dedicated Hosting: You have a server all to yourself without sharing.

Free Hosting: Most web building sites will provide free hosting as well. This sort of web hosting has a lot of limitations and sometimes you will be restricted to lower storage space and embedded advertisements in your website.

5. Website Design and Logo

To reflect your brand image, you should have your own personalized design and theme that are unique. You can further emphasize by having your own corporate identity such company logo, motto and taglines.

6. Copy-writing

If you intend to make your website a success story, you should consider hiring copywriters and SEO experts to make your website shine. With the use of keywords and write-ups, it will help your website to appear as top searches in popular search engines.

Get your checklist right to obtain the best result of a successful business website. 90% of the informative websites can be built by following the checklist above, as simple as that!

Check out the types of website trending in this age of information.