If your company website has been operating on Magento 1, you should be reminded that immediate action should be taken to transfer your site to Magento 2 to give everyone involved time to make a smooth transition and learn how Magento 2 differs from Magento 1.
While transitioning may be tiresome, we’re quite certain that once the work is done, you’ll be very pleased as your company begins to work with the new platform As you will see, transitioning to Magento 2 isn’t merely an upgrade but rather a completely new concept. The developers have taken the best of Magento 1 and built on it to create an improved and more ecommerce software to keep your business on the cutting edge of new technology as we move into 2020.
Although the date for the dissolution of Magento 1 had previously been planned for November 2018, the Magento developers have extended this time for the continued support of Magento 1 for an additional eighteen months for the specific purpose of allowing retailers worldwide adequate time to better prepare themselves for Magento 2.
If you’ve taken the necessary steps, you should experience little or no difficulty in migrating from Magento 1 into Magento 2. Magento developers firmly believe that with Magento 2 merchants will be pleasantly surprised at the new opportunities Magento 2 offers companies due to the many unique customisation features.
Better Organisation
One improvement of Magento 2 is it offers better organization of your products, and therefore greater control over an online business. It many customisation features will also bring exciting opportunities for innovation that are bound to please owners of the business and staff involved with the creative side of running your site.
End of Support
As you’re no doubt aware, Magento have offered no major releases for Magento 1 in five years. Now, Magento, together with Adobe, have created a newer and more efficient selling platform. It should be understood that it would be impossible for them to support two different platforms for an indefinite period.
As mentioned, Magento developers extended Magento 1’s life by an additional eighteen months beyond the expiration date they had planned, so the software company will continue to support Magento 1 through the end of June 2020. But after that date, will be unable to continue support. Therefore, if your company is one of the many thousands of organizations who have not yet transitioned to the newer version, it is time to do so.
While quite understandable that you may be concerned that Magento 2 may somehow create a negative impact on your business it is advisable to accept the Magento developers assurance that the new model will, rather than impact your organization undesirably in any way, enhance and simplify every step of the online purchasing process.
It should be noted that as Magento reaches its June 2020 deadline, support will end and unfortunately Magento 1 users may see their business become vulnerable to attacks on security. Therefore, you must be made aware of the increasingly threatening security of not only your business but the impact this may have on your customer base as well.
Important Points
- It’s important that you understand that the transition from the old platform to Magento 2 is not an upgrade to the older model. Magento 2 is a completely new platform, one that is greatly improved over the old and now obsolete Magento 1.
- To be assured of a smooth transition to Magento 2, all custom codes as well as extensions need to be rewritten when necessary and made compatible with Magento 2.
- Due to the complicated and often confusing inner programs, you should begin this process immediately to assure you of the time necessary to make any necessary changes.
- Begin producing a plan as soon as possible for your business, with a schedule in place for the time when you re-platform, either using the Magento 2 framework or indeed another, if you prefer. It’s especially important to keep that end of support summer 2020 deadline in mind.
Powerful Ecommerce Opportunity
With Adobe releasing Commerce Cloud in 2019, by choosing Magento 2, you’ll have made a great choice. This is a great time for you to give your eCommerce site a complete revamp ready to launch into 2020. With Magento 2 you will have greater communication and involvement with your clients over Magento 1.
If you take the steps necessary to plan your programs well in advance, we’re quite certain that you’ll appreciate the exciting new features that will undoubtedly bring more ease of operation, greater security and a more comfortable online workspace for you and your employees. Your customer base will appreciate the straightforward site design and how it is easier to navigate to the product and then the point of actual sale.
Happy transitioning!