Nowadays, quality is not really enough. You can have really good content but it may not work as great as you may think since content needs to be much more than just good. The average post these days is around 1,000 words and takes3 hours to one day to write for most people. You invest all that time, do all the research and the result is still not good. People are not reading your blog posts. Why is that?
So many reasons can be mentioned and the truth is that you will have to keep testing and looking into it. However, some common reasons we could mention include the following.
Lack Of A Hook
In journalism this is known as “lede” but for most people it is a hook. The idea is that you have a really good narrative that you can offer but you need to instantly let people know that this is the case. For instance, let’s say that you are an injury lawyer writing about all the things someone needs to do following an injury in a car accident. In the very first sentences and in the title you need to highlight that the information is vital and that it can save the reader thousands of dollars.
Try to find a way to quickly gain the attention of the reader. You want him/her to be interested about what will be learned after reading the article. A title is no longer enough.
You Are Not Offering Real Information
Most of the articles that you read online these days are filled with fluff. Hundreds of extra words are written that do not support the main idea of the article. When you promise that you are going to talk about a specific topic in the title and you find yourself talking about something completely different, there is a pretty good people are going to leave. You can get away with this on a personal blog from time to time but such an approach to content creation is much better for YouTube videos than for blogs.
Improper Storytelling
Most bloggers already know about the importance of storytelling but do not properly understand what it actually means. There are two problems that often appear:
- The story is simply too short as only facts are offered and no real story appears.
- The story is not written in a way that attracts.
You cannot really do much with the second thing except going to some writing courses. However, when looking at the first reason mentioned, you can always build stories. Write down the facts you want to highlight and then create stories that connect them. Content will be much more attractive when you do this.
No Distinct Tone Or Voice
When you write something you need to use a specific tone or voice that is unique to the brand you build. A failure to do this means that people will not be as into the content as possible. Visitors are now looking for something new, different. A distinct voice or tone is expected. When you just sound like all the other bloggers in your industry you can be sure you will not stand out.