Sixty-five percent is the average shopping cart abandonment rate for online websites. It is because of this astronomically high abandonment that the average conversion rate is barely over two percent, according to Savvy Panda. However, there are five effective ways that you can turn this all around and start increasing your company’s conversion rate simply by making some adjustments to your shopping cart template.
Adjust the Pricing of Your Product
The same study from Savvy Panda confirms that over 25 percent of interested online shoppers abandon their shopping carts due to high product prices. Therefore, before you start to focus on taking any other steps, make sure that your prices are competitive and affordable. Take time to research the product pricing used by your competitors.
Analyze the cost of goods being sold along with your current profit margin to see if any further adjustments can be made in this regard. Doing so could possibly make it easier to win over those frugal customers that will bounce from website to website, hoping to find the lowest price available before proceeding to the checkout page.
Adjust the Photos in Your Shopping Cart
Adjusting the photos and product images used within your shopping cart templates is another effective way to increase your conversion rate, professional shopping cart templates offered by Shopify can prove very beneficial compared to substandard ones. This is primarily because your customers need to be visually reminded of what they are purchasing throughout their shopping experience just as they would if they were shopping in a traditional store offline. The quality of the product images selected needs to be excellent, according to Yahoo Small Business, but realistic at the same time.
The last thing you want to do is edit and enhance your photos through Photoshop and other comparable photo editing programs to the point where they become misleading and deceptive. They might look more appealing on a visual level, but that type of misleading deception can cause you to destroy bridges connecting you to your target market.
Reduce Loading Time and Increase Speed
When shopping online, every second counts to the average consumer. The amount of time that can be saved by using the Internet to shop is one of the main reasons why millions of people do it in the first place. However, over 50 percent of online consumers encounter a site that crashes, freezes or receives some other type of technical error.
Even within the increasingly popular world of mobile Internet, more than 70 percent of consumers encounter websites that crash, freeze and experience technical glitches and errors. Since over 40 percent of interested customers quickly abandon websites that don’t load their webpages completely within 10 seconds, making this process as quick as possible is of the utmost importance.
Check for Technical Glitches Periodically
Even the very best quality websites on the Internet today can experience a technical glitch or error tomorrow, which is why continuously searching for these occurrences proactively is imperative. Broken links, orphan pages and unexpected misdirects when navigating between the pages of your website are all issues that should be addressed and resolved as soon as possible. There are quite a few online tools that can be used to make this task much easier to accomplish, including a wide range of link checkers. However, you are going to still have to put forth the effort in order to allow these tools to work on your behalf.
Keep the Door of Opportunity Open
Don’t be too hasty when it comes to deleting abandoned shopping carts to establish clean slates for those customers. Just because a customer abandons your site today doesn’t mean they won’t return to it tomorrow or even later on today. Even though quite a few customers abandon websites specifically to head for the competition, there are many other reasons and causes that should be considered – including technical glitches, errors, broken links and a lack of available time or resources.
Keeping in mind that well over 90 percent of sales converted online are from customers that have already visited those websites in the past, according to Practical eCommerce, you should allow abandoned shopping carts to remain active for a minimum of two months. A missed sales opportunity today can easily become a finalized sale next week or even next month. You have to be willing to be patient and wait for these missed opportunities to come back around again.
Take Honest Feedback from Customers Seriously
The best people to guide you when it comes to making appropriate adjustments to your online shopping cart are your customers. These are the individuals that have already identified what they love about your website as well as what they hate – valuable input that can do wonders for your overall website design. Open the door for them to provide you with this feedback by offering promotional discounts, giveaways and other incentives both through your official website as well as your social media profiles and brand pages.