Most small businesses turn to WordPress nowadays to manage their company blog and website. However, a lot of us have limited coding skills and that’s where plugins can help. If you have ever spoken in front of an audience, then you probably know what slideshare is. If you haven’t, then slideshare is a place where people upload their presentation slides, so others can see it.
In this post I am going to share with you useful free slideshare WordPress widgets. While compiling this list, it’s always a possibility that I missed some other great resources. Feel free to share it with us. Related articles you will definitely find worth checking out: Translation Ready WordPress Free Themes, Free Social Media Sharing WordPress Widgets and Premium Feminine Themes for WordPress.
1. Simple Follow Me Social Buttons Widget
No settings page, only a simple widget to add to your widget areas. It displays the Follow Me social buttons. No images, this widget uses a font icons so it makes it ready for Retina Display. The number of icons has grown considerably since the first version of the plugin, because of this, the widget UI needs to be rethought in order to make a good experience for the end user.
2. Sell Media File
Sell Media File plugin extends the embed functionality of WordPress by allowing you to place a buy button for each embedded media file. The plugin supports all the media files that can be embedded using the WordPress embed shortcode. You need to configure some options after you have activated the plugin. It’s located under “Settings -> Sell Media File”. The options include your PayPal Email address, Currency etc.
3. SeoSlides
Every quote, image, video, or presentation slide is a page with SEO-optimizable notes. Stop sending all of your content’s backlinks to the platforms, give your users a way to embed your content that points back to you. Your content can be shared to social media with the click of a button, right from the embeddable player.
4. NextGEN Facebook
NextGEN Facebook (NGFB) gives you total control over the information social website crawlers need, improving Google Search ranking, social engagement, and click-through-rates on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon, Tumblr and and many more. Supports featured, attached, gallery shortcode, and/or HTML image tags in content. Fallback to the image alt value if the content and except do not include any text.
5. Social Icons Widget by WPZOOM
Social Icons Widget to displays links to social sharing websites. Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Pinterest, Foursquare, Yahoo, Skype, Yelp, Feedburner, LinkedIn, Myspace, SoundCloud, Spotify, Grooveshark,, YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, Flickr, 500px, Instagram, Tumblr, Blogger, Reddit, Dribbble, Envato, Behance,DeviantArt, GitHub,RSS, Disqus, Stackoverflow, and many others.
6. Unyson
A free drag & drop framework that comes with a bunch of built in extensions that will help you develop premium themes fast & easy. Create countless pages using the content and media shortcodes. This module will let your users customize WordPress pages with dynamic sidebars. Your users will be able to create backups directly from the WordPress admin. To make you life even easier we have already built in 3 of them that support images and videos.
7. Speed Contact Bar
Speed Contact Bar enables your visitors to get in contact with you quickly. The plugin shows a colored bar with your contact data and social media URLs on the top of every page of your website. The bar design is responsive and thus ready for smartphones and tablets. The social media icons are included already. Each icon appears if you set its target URL in the option page. The phone icons and numbers are clickable to trigger a phone call. The e-mail is clickable to open a mail client.
8. SlideShare Presentations in Widget
The SlideShare presentation widget allows you to share your SlideShare presentations on your website with ease. It grabs the latest presentations from your account and gives you complete control over the content that’s featured. You can manage the number of slides directly from your admin, display images, descriptions, titles and dates. It’s quick and efficient, and helps your target audience get the information they need directly on your website.
9. WordPress Social Sharing Optimization
WordPress Social Sharing Optimization (WPSSO) gives you total control over the information social website crawlers need, improving Google Search ranking, social engagement, and click-through-rates on Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon, Tumblr and and many more. Google Search reads social meta tags and Knowledge Graph markup, so many users are choosing to extend or even replace their current SEO solution with WPSSO.
10. Listly for Blogs, Brands & Writers
Use Listy to create, curate or collaborate visually-appealing, social list-posts. A powerful combo in one plugin that frees your content to be discovered / distributed beyond your blog. No list is ever truly complete, so engage the crowd, make them your crowd. Moderate as your audience evolve & extend your lists. Community forms around interests, needs & expertise as your list posts get more valuable with time.