The Copyright plugins automatically keeps your WordPress page copyright notices up to date. It insures that the copyright notice for each page (be it a single page or an index) includes the earliest date of publication as well as the current date. Below are some of our favorites free copyright plugins for wordpress that I’ve used over the years and have really enjoyed. I hope you’ll enjoy them too.
These plugins provide critical protection to your feed and, best of all, do so without any direct action from you. If you like this post, share it with your friends through email and social networks. Following are some more related articles that you may like to browse through: Education WordPress Free Themes, Free Featured Post Widgets for WordPress, Chef WordPress Premium Themes and Free Flat Icons Designs.
1. WaterWoo PDF Plugin
Protect your intellectual property! WaterWoo PDF allows WooCommerce site administrators to apply custom watermarks to PDFs upon sale. Watermark only designated PDF downloads (as specified by you), or all PDF downloads from your site. Watermarks upon click of either the customer’s order confirmation page link or email order confirmation link.
2. Credit Tracker
The effective use of stock images and photography on your website and blog can have a massive impact on the number of visits which your site receives, and the positive response which visitors have to your sites content.
3. Repost
The Repost service has been discontinued. If you have this plunging installed you should remove it.
4. iCopyright Toolbar
The iCopyright Toolbar adds a Republish option to your Posts menu where you can search for news items and monitor topics relevant to your site and republish them. It also adds a Republish button to your articles and feeds them into the network for others to discover and license.
5. Add Link to Copied Text
Add Link to Copied Text plugin is capable to add a link to the page along with your desirous setting whenever a user copy content from the website. Alternatively you can also stop visitor to copy your content or replace copied text with your custom text.
6. WP Content Copy Protection
WP Content Copy Protection is a simple, yet aggressive plugin that uses multiple, aggressive techniques in protecting your content from being stolen. This is a plugin with teeth – an absolute must for any business owner, blogger and WordPress site owner who is serious about protecting his online content!
7. Copyright Safeguard Footer Notice
Places a Copyright Safeguard notice in the site’s footer. The notice can be a button or a simple text link. Clicking the notice causes a small pop-up window to appear with information about the site’s copyright protection.
8. Copyrighted Post
Adds copyright notice in the end of each post of your blog. If you have created your own language pack, or have an update of an existing one, you can send .po and .mo files.
9. Watermark
The watermark is placed on your images through a htaccess and php file. This means your images are actually not modified. You can still download them from your FTP, and they will not have any watermark.
10. Readers From RSS 2 Blog Lite
Readers From RSS 2 BLOG’ is a innovative WordPress plug-in for your RSS FEEDS. What’s amazing is that it increases your SALES AND BLOG audiences by converting your Blog RSS FEED into DEADLY marketing weapon offering you greater control and flexibility.