Stock photos is a need of every blogger, designer, photographer, advertiser or content manager. If you are going to decide to buy high quality royalty free photos than the Depositphotos is a great choice. They have millions of high-quality photographs and vector images available at affordable prices to fill all your image needs.
It is the fastest growing stock photo agency in the world which is fulfilling the requirement of everyone with an ease of its huge library, smart search and many other advanced features.
Royalty Free Stock Photos and Images
One of the coolest feature is, the option to buy images and videos across dozens of categories under a royalty-free license. They work with photographers, illustrators and videographers to sell their works through subscription and single-order credit plans.
Are you thinking about What does “Royalty-Free” mean? Let have a look at this cool feature.
Royalty-free means that a file is available for use in accordance with the Licensing Terms without the need for additional description or coordination of the place, audience, way of use, etc. When buying a file under a royalty-free license, you receive a non-exclusive lifelong right to use it for your purposes within the bounds stated by the Standard or Extended licenses.
Simply, you do not have to pay the photographer every time you want to use his photo. All you have to worry about is paying a one-time fee and all is well.
Smart Search
When we are talking about huge royalty free stock library than it is really very important to have such a comprehensive interface which facilitates the users to find their required asset within seconds. Thanks to Depositphotos, which has a complete and efficient smart search feature.
Their search interface is powered with awesome features,
- You can find your desired stock photo by making search in the relevant category.
- You can narrow your search by contributor and exclude keywords.
- File Type, File Orientation and Search by image size are very helpful in saving your time.
- Extra filters and Sorting options can be your best friends to find your stock image instantly.
Payment Options
You are thinking to buy royalty stock photo in a small number or huge quantity – you’ll find a payment option that works for you.
Credits are the main unit of currency on Depositphoto, they’re approximately equivalent to $1 US. They make buying any image from XS to XXXL time easy, and you can even upgrade your licenses if you need to.
Subscription Plan
If you plan to use the site frequently, you can opt for a subscription payment plan. This allows you to buy your credits in batches of days, months or a year.