Digital marketing has evolved somewhat into a technical science over the last decade. Where it was previously more simple by just uploading a website and doing a few minor tweaks to the website, it has become more intrinsic as the competitiveness with the sites and the advertising platforms demand configurations, that will enhance their web users experience. The company that has been leading the way in these configurations is Google. Advertisers on the platform must consider their web hosting and configuration solutions that could positively or negatively impact the performance of the site on those platforms.
Below are a few things to consider with the web hosting solutions.
Web IP address trust
It is important that the IP address that your website sits on is trusted. Unfortunately, there are many web spammers on the net that do share the same IP classes. Ensure that any potential risks are avoided. The ideal scenario would be to sit on your own dedicated server. While this may be a more expensive solution, there is also the option to use VPS (Virtual Private Servers) hosting that will allow you exclusive access to your own IP address.
Web page loading speeds
Google has come out in the past and stated that this is an important ranking factor when doing SEO. It is important to partner with a web-hosting provider that will ensure that the web content will have minimal (ideally zero) downtime. When partnering with a web hosting provider, research their reputation in regards to downtime and check the specs in regards to space storage and bandwidth and backups to avoid any potential threats with your website going down.
Geo location
Information and data related to the geographical and location of the website is growing in importance. Search engines such as Google and Russia’s Yandex have sought to deliver more relevant local results to web users. Some ways they are achieving this, is by noticing the location IP address of the web servers, the language relevancy of the website and its impact on the search engine’s data centres that deliver the relevant geographical results.
Domain configuration and hosting
You will need to configure your domain to have good accessibility and localisation. It is likely that a country specific domain will be used. Find out from your hosting provider if they can host the domain or if you can configure the domain to their web servers, where they will host your content. Furthermore, when it comes to hosting your content, will you be provided with any simple configuration solutions such as one click installs and the flexibility to change your content, or will you have restrictions? Make sure to find out specific details from your web-hosting provider.
Any flags for spam
You want to ensure that where you are hosting the website isn’t subject to spam activities. This includes any spam activities that may be done by yourself or any others that are sharing the same web hosting services and IP address as you.
The security level of your website is crucial. Google will display messages to users if they feel that your website may have been hacked or is subject to malware or any other type of malicious activity. If the website is synced to Google Webmaster Tools, Google is likely to warn you by sending through a private message. Additionally, if the domain gets flagged for spam, this can further impact the ability for recipients to receive your emails and a manual task will be required to remove spam flags across the email exchange servers.
The importance of web hosting solutions on digital marketing strategies will continue as the web becomes more geocentric in mission to provide the most relevant content for web users. Digital marketing strategies will become more accustomed to this, and will impact the web hosting considerations that businesses will need to make.