Time is money. That’s a saying that rings true to this day, yet some website development “experts” claim that they need months to generate a quality website. On the other end of the spectrum are web design experts who say they can produce high quality websites in as little as 24 hours! It’s important to realise that even the most affordable web design service should take a few days to generate your website, and the more detailed you’d like the site to be the longer you can expect it to take.
Some web design Sydney businesses require a two week process just to gather information about your business. We’re here to say that isn’t necessary. You obviously want to ask yourself how long you are willing to wait to have your website built and what features you want included. Once you get past the basics, consider the following information we’ve pulled together for your convenience.
Ideal Range for Website Development
The best designers can effectively create a high quality website within 5 to 20 days from your contract signing. The most important thing to realise is that the length of time it takes to create your site is directly related to the features and information you want included. The more information and bells and whistles you want, the longer you can expect it to take.
From an alternative perspective, some business owners want to ensure that their website is built properly and prefer their designer takes longer to create it. This isn’t really an ideal way to look at the process. While quality is important, the longer your business sits without a website the more potential clients you lose. Opt for a design team that provides quality work within 5 to 20 days for the best results.
Avoid 24 Hour Services
Any business advertising a 24-hour turnaround on website development is either a scam artist or isn’t offering a quality service. Sure, what they provide will resemble a website, but is that really what you’re looking for? Even internet marketers expect their website to come complete with several pages, which means 24-hour service is virtually useless.
Additionally, a 24-hour lead-time doesn’t provide an opportunity to review what was created. Stick to a longer lead-time if you’re looking for quality results.
Longer than 30 Days Suggests Issues
If a web design team offers you a 30 day + lead-time it suggests serious inefficiencies in their work. If they do not believe they can provide you with a clean design with quality content within 4 weeks of work, then why believe they can accomplish that goal at all? Small businesses don’t have the time to wait for a designer to come up with and execute a website in that amount of time. Don’t be misled. Longer turnaround times don’t equal better results.
If you are looking for an affordable web design, don’t run to the web design Sydney business with the longest lead time. Instead, seek out a company that provides a balanced turnaround time. In the end, your customers will look more at the quality of your site than the amount of time it took you to get it up and running.