In order to run a website you need a web host amongst other things. A web host is the place where your website will be hosted online. It’s your online home.
Just as you need your computer’s hard disk to save your files and folders similarly you need a space online where your website will rest. This space is known as a web host.
Many companies exist online that offer this hosting service. But many bloggers are unanimous that BlueHost is one of the best in them.
BlueHost was founded in 2003 with a single ultimate goal: to make web hosting better. They are currently one of the largest providers of cloud-based online solutions. Headquartered in the Wasatch Mountains in Utah, their team consists of more than 700 members.
Although their name is BlueHost but they don’t just offer web hosting services. They also offer the purchase of domain names, email addresses, and site builder templates.
Now there is a website named which will help you get sweet deals on BlueHost.
The “bh” in the URL stands for BlueHost so the website name is My Blue Host Coupons. As you can guess it is all about BlueHost.
Their articles about BlueHost cover varying topics about the website including BlueHost coupon.
For example the first article published on their blog was an introduction to BlueHost. It contained information as follows.
BlueHost has more than 600,000 paying customers. So on an average if one customer pays $100 per year so that will total to $60,000,000 per year. Therefore BlueHost is a very big company.
The company has grown at a very fast rate. They garnered almost 10,000 customers in the first six months and have grown exponentially ever since.
Then another of their article talks about a discount on BlueHost.
They offer you hosting services of BlueHost for merely $3.95 per month. Now if you visit the site directly you will still find their hosting services at the same rate. But the advantage of following Mybhcoupons’s blog is that you will stay updated with the discounts and offers being provided at BlueHost.
Their article then goes on to discuss the features that you will get in this $3.95 per month pack.
- Unlimited domain hosting
- Unlimited hosting space
- Free domain forever
- Unlimited file transfer
- Unlimited email accounts
- Free website builder and available templates
- Secure shell, SSL, FTP
- CGI, Ruby (ROR), Pearl, PHP, MySQL
- Free $75 Google Credit
- 99.9 percent network uptime guarantee
- Free instant setup
- No hidden fees
- Anytime money back guarantee
They also have articles about other web hosting platforms. They keep reviewing different types of web hosting service providers and publish a comparison of them with BlueHost so that their readers can make an informed decision.
They once published the news when BlueHost launched their new product – Dedicated Servers. They informed their readers that the pricing of these dedicated servers is $149.99, $199.99, and $249.99.
Go and check the site out, find some BlueHost coupon codes and let me know what you think in the comments below.