If you are serious about creating an online business, whether it’s an extension of your physical location, or a purely online endeavor, you’ll need to understand best practices to get the most out of your online business. Never fear, you won’t have to pay an exorbitant amount for a web guru to do it for you. Simply search for helpful tips and ideas from eCommerce blogs, and you can find all the information you’ll need. We’ll analyze some of the simple ways to help your online business in these marketing tips.
Traffic Analysis
Analyzing who is visiting your site, when they are visiting your site, what they are buying, viewing and clicking on is probably one of the most important things you can do for your website. Setting up your site to be user-friendly and focused on the customer is the best way to increase sales and traffic to your site. The best way to monitor that traffic is by using Google Analytics. This service is free, and is an invaluable tool. The more complicated and detailed your website is, the harder it is for your customer to navigate through it. This translates into lost sales and revenue. It all comes down to knowing your customer and what they want. Analyzing your traffic will help you understand that.
Shopping Cart
Setting up a good shopping cart is a key component to creating a great online shopping experience for your customer. Nothing is more frustrating for a user than to not be able to find what they want, or to simply buy from a site. Online sales are all about usability. Don’t make your customer work to spend their money on your products and services. There are plenty of eCommerce shopping cart plugins that are available for a low cost if you’re just starting out and testing the waters. Shopify.com is one of those sites.
Mobile Users
If you’re looking for a way to manage your retail business online, there is a handy solution. There are several businesses online that have created a mobile eCommerce application that will help you reach that mobile crowd. You can bring your online business with you everywhere you go. It operates on any mobile device on an eCommerce platform. Google Analytics can also help you measure the success of your mobile site.
Social Media Plugins
Social media is not a trend any longer. It is here to stay, and it is rapidly evolving on a year to year basis. These days if you’re not on Facebook, you haven’t arrived. Part of using social media though is understanding who your clients and customers are. Analyzing your demographic is key to understanding which social media tactics can be helpful in driving traffic to your business.