Demands of cloud hosting services are increasing with each passing day. Without a good hosting platform, no website can function well. Presently, there are many companies, which offer cloud hosting facilities for customers. Cloudways needs special mention in this regard. The company has been operating since 2011 and they are based in Malta. The best thing about the web hosting company is that it offers decent services at highly affordable rates of just $7 per month. Moreover, the company offers a 14-days free trial for testing the cloud hosting services.
Features that make Cloudways a coveted web hosting solution provider
Before signing up for the cloud hosting services, it is important to read through Cloudways reviews from various trusted sources to understand about the company’s services and plans in detail. Interestingly, most of the reviews opine highly regarding Cloudways. The following features about the cloud hosting platform are noteworthy:
- User friendly interface
The interface of Cloudways hosting services is highly user-friendly and intuitive in nature. The dashboard is not CPanel, but it is still extremely well organized. Even a novice can set up the projects instantly without any prior knowledge in this field. There are many cloud hosting platforms, in which the interface is confusing and complicated. Right from setting up of servers to applications, everything happens smoothly at Cloudways.
- Highly Scalable
The server scalability of Cloudways is excellent for cloud hosting. It is possible for users to downgrade or upgrade the server to any needed or desired specifications without much hassle. Another important aspect about the cloud hosting provider is their amazing pricing policy. The company charges by the hour and this proves to be useful when one is thinking of upgrading the server for some time. It might happen that the WordPress cloud hosting server needs to be upgraded for a few hours or for few days. The billing for the upgradation will be only for the time when the service was availed and not for the whole month. This is extremely helpful for small companies and businesses.
- Excellent customer care support
It is needless to say that Cloudways servers are really fast. And the speed is not limited to the servers only. It extends to the customer care services offered by the web hosting company. In case of any issue regarding the website, the customer care support can be reached easily and they are quick to respond to the problem. The company has online chat facility, with help of which it is easy to get connected to the customer care executive. The customer care support carries out tests and checks all probable causes for the issue and gets the problem resolved at the earliest.
- Highly affordable pricing
Another great feature of Cloudways is highly affordable pricing that the company offers. It is possible to have a WordPress website with the page-loading speed of less than 1 second at just $7 per month, which is just amazing!
Browsing on the internet will help in getting abundant information and reviews of cloud hosting services. No Cloudways review is against the company; all customers are happy with the services offered!