Every foray into the Internet involves the selection of a domain name at some point in time. Many businesses or organizations simply attempt to reserve domain name related to their names. Others opt to build an entire brand around a specialized word or group of keywords. In any event, the actual purchase of the domain is completed at a domain name registry service. Given the explosion in digital properties, securing the right domain can make a huge difference in the amount of visitor traffic a site receives. Luckily, there are a few tried and true techniques to help companies get the domain they are after.
Different Extensions
The days of the traditional .com or .net being the exclusive operating domains of the Internet have gone. With extensions like .guru, .club, .band, .forsale, and many more ready to go, online businesses have the flexibility to play around and find a domain that works. Getting a workable domain that tells the story of the brand or what the site is all about only takes some basic experimentation.
Trying Different Phrases
Different phrases can trigger premium domains to be reflected in search results. Premium domains can cost a lot more than basic ones, which is why trying different phrases that are similar in nature can save companies a lot of money. Considering domains are generally renewed once per year, that savings becomes amplified over the course of ownership of the website domain.
Creating a Brand Identity
The domain is how customers locate the website. The simple title can quickly create an identity for the brand. That identity is what drives the site to new heights and how many users will actually refer to the web page. With that being said, owners need to select a domain that is going to reflect the content of the site without being confused with other digital or real properties. In short, the domain needs to be somewhat unique yet simple enough to remember.
A Mind for Marketing
The arrival of social media, pay-per-click advertising, and other link based marketing tactics means that a domain needs to be selected with advertising in mind. Promotion is usually the key to any effective traffic generating strategy, which means focusing on those goals right out of the gate can have a serious impact on the longevity of the site. Phrases and titles that will be easy to market, print on stationary, sell on a hat or other branded item should be given priority.
In the end, reserving the right domain name takes a fair bit of trial and error. While the site can be moved from domain to domain, the effort and work that goes into branding is usually lost in the transfer. Taking the time to evaluate options and choosing carefully can be the difference between getting the most out of the domain and facing a series of challenges. Domains are often the heart of the company, and owners need to make sure they will beat properly.