You’re probably aware of the importance of compliance for any given organization.
From avoid legal trouble to ultimately ensuring that your business follows the best practices of you industry, there’s a reason why so many of today’s top teams are trying to stress compliance company-wide and investing in risk management and reporting solutions.
The challenge, though? Encouraging everyone else in your company to buy into the concept of compliance.
“It’s important, but it’s not part of my department.”
“That stuff goes way over my head.”
“As soon as someone starts talking about regulations, I start falling asleep.”
These sorts of complaints are common for those who feel that the ins and outs of compliance are too complex or otherwise don’t apply to them. This results in disastrous trainings where presenters are spinning their wheels, employees are bored to tears and compliance still isn’t part of your culture.
Sound familiar? Don’t despair. If you’re tasked with conducting compliance training and want your presentation to stick, consider the following tips.
Don’t Just Go Through Motions
Bear in mind that the responsibility to keep your coworkers engaged in compliance training doesn’t fall on their shoulders: it falls on the shoulders of whoever is presenting. Showing a sense of enthusiasm while speaking and presenting can make a surprising difference versus treating training like a chore.
Ask people questions and pick their brains to understand how you can better train them. When you show your investment in what your coworkers want out of training, they’ll be more likely to return the favor.
Pull Data and Case Studies
It’s much easier for people to process hard numbers than it is abstract concepts. Pulling data regarding the number of companies impacted by compliance errors, how much it costs the average business and how many workers are impacted year over year are good starting points. Showing off these stats can pique people’s interest and make your presentation seem more tangible.
Consider Diversifying Your Delivery
Don’t make the mistake of just standing up in front of the room and droning on and on in front of a PowerPoint presentation. Instead, strive to make your presentation as entertaining and interactive as you can. Consider how you can use tools such as webinars in addition to showing videos, encouraging audience participation and even perhaps gamifying your presentation.
Similarly, it makes more sense to draw out your training over the course of a few weeks versus trying to cram everything in over a single day. It’s easier for people to process and digest information over multiple sessions, and likewise gives them time to come up with questions.
Don’t Be All Gloom and Doom
At the end of the day, any sort of company presentation can be a drag regardless of subject matter.
Even though you’re covering a serious topic with big implications for your company, there’s nothing wrong with the occasional lighthearted moment to let your coworkers know that you’re human. If you establish a sort of “we’re all in this together” tone, people will respond accordingly.
There’s no doubt that getting your coworkers to buy into compliance training can be an uphill battle. Even so, these tips can help encourage them to get on board and keep your company safe in the process.